The Columbiette Auxiliary #12322 is a unified body of Catholic women who work side-by-side with their affiliated Knights of Columbus council . We help brighten the lives of the less fortunate, the sick, the handicapped, elderly and the young. We set the example through works of charity, devotion and promotion of Catholic values. We extend an invitation to all women who are 17 years and older who are practicing Catholics to become Columbiettes. Applications are in the Parish Office.
Our History
In 1939, under the direction of Monsignor J. Francis McIntyre, the first Columbiettes were instituted in New York City. Since then, many new auxiliaries were formed and eventually State Councils and a Supreme Council were established. New members are initiated in these subordinate Auxiliaries and it is only through the integrity, strength and scope of these Auxiliary activities, that the Columbiettes have become a recognized group of women working with the Knights of Columbus, promoting the ideals of Columbianism.
Our Emblem
The BLUE CIRCLE represents the World.
The WHITE CROSS represents Christ’s love for us – by His Crucifixion He redeemed the World.
The RAYS represent our zeal to serve God through the Mediums of Faith, Hope and
Charity symbolized by the THREE WHITE STARS.
Our Patronesses
Blessed Virgin Mary – Let us be ever mindful of the responsibility which is ours,
by emulating her in her purity, and by imitating her as a Mother, for we, as Catholics,
know that she is the foundation of all true motherhood.
Saint Therese, the Little Flower – In her great zeal to serve Almighty God,
she welcomed any opportunity to make sacrifices.
St. Joan of Arc – She was always ready to give her aid unselfishly
to those who defended a righteous cause.