Our Altar Servers enhance the liturgies as they assist the priest celebrating the Holy Eucharist.
Children who have received the Sacrament of Reconciliation and First Communion, as well as adults, are wellcome.Altar Servers Guidelines
Altar Society
Volunteers help to maintain the beauty and cleanliness of the church sanctuary and launder altar linens. Sacristans are assigned to set up for Masses
Children's Liturgy of the Word
During each Sunday 9am Mass, children in grades K-5 are invited to participate in a special
Liturgy of the Word. Volunteer ministers are needed, and training is provided.
Eucharistic Adoration
Our Adoration chapel is open for quiet meditation Monday through Friday from 9am - 5pm, and 9am - 12pm on Saturdays and Sundays. This is a wonderful opportunity to dedicate an hour or more per week before the Blessed Sacrament.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Parishioners who have been members for some time are invited by the Pastor to join this ministry.
They are commissioned to help with the distribution of the Holy Eucharist during weekday and weekend Masses. Extraordinary ministers also bring Communion to the sick and homebound.
Our parish Lectors proclaim the Word of God at Masses throughout the week
and at other liturgical celebrations.
Music Ministries
Our choir shares sung prayer at our 9am Sunday Mass and on Days of High Feast like Christmas and Holy Week. Choir rehearsal is every Thursday at 6:30 pm. If you are interested in joining the choir or want to be a part of the music ministry in another fashion, please contact Matt Wilson, Director of Music Ministry. by email or at the Parish Office
Our parish Ushers are visible instruments of welcome to all those
who come through our Church doors for Mass.
Welcome Ministry
Welcome people with a warm smile as they arrive
in Church from Mass on the weekends.
If you feel called to be a part of any of these wonderful ministries,
please reach to the office at 561-626-1873 or [email protected]