Welcome to St. Paul of the Cross Parish! We are a Catholic community of believers whose faith shapes our lives. In other words, we try to live our faith. We have been following Jesus’ Commandments to love God and one another for nearly half a century. As you explore our website, you will see some specific ways that we do this through the ministries and events that are part of our 50-year history, as well as our inspiration for the future of our parish.
One of the most common compliments that we receive is how welcoming our parish community is! We even consider ourselves a family. “How good and how pleasant it is, when brothers and sisters dwell together as one!” [PS 133:1] I don’t know if this welcoming spirit comes from the sea breezes that blow across our campus, our wooded and park-like island surroundings, or the peace that our Blessed Mother’s protection provides. However, I know that there’s something special about this parish – especially our parishioners – that makes people want to come back again and again. One recent first-time visitor remarked, “I’ve never been here before, but I feel like I belong.”
Once you have explored our digital presence, I hope that you will come by and visit our campus. I really hope that you will come one day to worship with us and discover for yourselfwhat it’s like to be part of our parish family. You can find our contact information here or a Mass schedule here.
May God bless you and your family. We hope that you will bless our parish family with your presence.